Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just received a very big bouquet of flowers? How do I keep them fresh?

Hi, Just received a very big bouquet of flowers, they are not for me, they are for someone who is going to come home from hospital on Thursday, they will not fit in any vases in the house?

Can I put them in a bucket? How much water should I fill it up to? Thanx.

Just received a very big bouquet of flowers? How do I keep them fresh?
If they do not fit in any vase then a bucket will be grand. Trim the ends of the stems, cutting them diagonally, only about 1cm and place in water. Put in plant food or if not supplied with the flowers, 5 teaspoons of sugar, and fill with water, half way up the stems, but not touching the leaves or plastic wrapper around them.
Reply:yes pu tthem in a bucket, add some sugar or lemonade to the water as it helps jkeep them fresh, or some of the plant food powder they normally come with, fill the bucket so the water covers all the bases of the stems and a little bit, check it regularly so they are never out of water
Reply:Make sure the end are not dried out or sealed as they need water to survive. Keep them somewhere cool Garage or shed or somewhere like that until the day you need them. Give them enough water to make sure they dont run out and ethe bottom of every stem. is submerged.
Reply:A bucket is OK. You need just enough water so that you can maintain all of the stems in contact with the water all day. If you are away from home for a long time, consider how much may evaporate while you are gone. Don't burn the stems, but rather cut each one just a quarter-inch or so with a very sharp knife or sharp scissors. Keep them in your refrigerator if they fit, or in your basement or other cool place.
Reply:To all of the advice given so far (except for burning the stems) add this - keep them out of direct sunlight.
Reply:I heard that if you burn the very bottom of the stems slightly it seals in whatever is in the stem and helps them last longer. Either that or put one of those sachets of plant food into the water.
Reply:Yes, a clean bucket will be fine. Take flowers and cut ends off all and place immediately in cool water. Then to help keep them fresh you can add a couple of aspirins, plain aspirins, to water. Crush them up to help them dissolve faster. Make sure none of the leaves of the flowers are in your fresh water, this will cause the flowers to die. Every other day, cut a small portion of the ends of flowers off, change the water, and add aspirin will help the flowers to stay fresh for many days longer. Hope this helps!
Reply:freeze them but make sure they're thoroughly de-frosted before cooking them
Reply:Yes put them in a bucket with a spoonful of sugar, half fill bucket to the stem ends
Reply:trim the stems and yes put them in a bucket. They need to all be in water but if poss don`t make the water too deep, it is better if no leaves or foliage from the flower are sitting in water.
Reply:a clean bucket is fine, fill to cover all the stems add a little sugar to the water keeps flowers really fresh,keep away from heat and direct sunlight
Reply:put them in cheap lemonade
Reply:My mom uses sugar water and the plants last longer than mine do after I've picked them since I forgot the sugar.
Reply:that will be fine cut of the end about 2 inchs and add the stuff that comes with it and they will last

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