Monday, February 13, 2012

Cat that eats flowers?

I love to decorate my apartment with fresh cut flowers from the store. Unfortunately, my kitty loves to eat them. I am aware that flowers can be toxic to cats, but am unsure which ones. Does anybody know what kinds of flowers are not toxic to cats so I can have my kitty and my flowers, too? Thanks!!

Cat that eats flowers?
went to Animal Planet to help you out and this is what they say:

Cats love plants. Though they’re strict carnivores, cats like to eat plants even though doing so can make them ill. The consequences can range from simple vomiting to liver failures, seizures and even death. And while most animal species learn to stay away from things that make them sick, cats will eat plants over and over with the same results.

Unfriendly Flowers

A wide variety of plants are poisonous to cats. Some of the more dangerous are castor bean, foxglove, lily-of-the-valley, Japanese yew, oleander, azalea, rhododendron and hydrangea. One castor bean seed can kill, and mistletoe is deadly.

Flowers such as amaryllis, daffodils, iris, hyacinth and honeysuckle also are poisonous. Christmas trees, pine needles and even water from around the base of Christmas trees can produce oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, trembling and hind end weakness. Poinsettias aren’t seriously poisonous, though they can cause gastrointestinal irritation and vomiting.

According to Patricia Talcott, a veterinarian and toxicologist at the University of Idaho, and Robert Poppenga, a veterinarian and toxicologist at the University of Pennsylvania, a plant family that causes serious problems – but is often left off lists of poisonous plants – is the lily family, including the Easter lily, tiger lily and star-gazer lily. “This is a major cause of acute kidney failure in the cat,” Talcott says.

To Protect Your Cat

Keep known poisonous plants out of your cat’s reach.

Watch for plants that have been chewed on.

Watch your cat for symptoms of poisoning.

If Your Cat Eats a Bad Plant

In order to treat a plant-poisoning problem, it’s important for you and your veterinarian to know specifically what plant your cat consumed. Since both common names and scientific names are used, make sure the identity is correct. If you’re unsure, it might be good to go to a nursery or florist, or bring the plant to your veterinarian for identification
Reply:Yes they eat flowers and plants. Grass can all make them puke also...keep them out of reach if possible.
Reply:The types of flowers and plants that are toxic to cats can vary from cat to cat. There are a few that are toxic to all such as Easter lily or geraniums. I have geranium vines in my apartment and have to keep them hung up high because my cat ate a bloom and became very ill. To be sure I would ask your vet. They know your cat's health history better than anyone and can give you the information you need. Cats love flowers and plants, my vet recommended me a special grass to grow in a planter for my cats. You can find it at Wal mart or petco in the cat section.
Reply:To tell you the truth it is actually good for them.

I should know I have one!!
Reply:I have the same problem. The list of toxic plants and flowers is so long, that I'm not willing to chance it. I love the cat more than the flowers and stick to silk arrangements.
Reply:Anything that grows from bulbs are poisonous to pets
Reply:i don't know about flowers but i know they chew on grass to clean out their systems but flowers i don't know you might wanna get some catnip and grow it just for your cat she,he,or they will love you for it
Reply:its ok for cats to eat plants and flowers just make sure there no poisionst whene u buy flowers ask the person helping if he doesnt no dont buy your flowers there they should no that
Reply:on purina cat chow you can get a list off of their web site a list of poisonous plants because thats where i got it.

i hope this will help. they have one for cats and one for dogs.
Reply:You should buy some strongly polin packed flowers so the cat will not eat them. If you don't know what kind of things your cat is allergic to or toxic to, you should go to the vet and find out. And then, you can get the flowers that your kitty is not allergic to! My cat loves to chew on things, so I got him a chewy rubber toy. Maybe this will work for your kitty too! Best of luck!!
Reply:Yes they do they like the strong scent that they produce
Reply:One of the most common houseplants poisonous to cats is the Easter Lily. These claim several victims every Easter.

Here is a site that list plants poisonous to cats:

And the emergency number for possible poisoning case

Animal Poison Hotline- 24 hours a day (888) 232-8870
Reply:The vet should have a complete listing of flowers that are toxic, usually they just leave them laying in their waiting rooms. There are many house plants too you need to watch out for. Also try doing a search on here, so pet sites such as Petco, may offer the listings.

Best of luck, I'm a proud owner of 3 kitties myself!

Liz :)

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