I went to the graveyard today and took my Daddy some fresh flowers for Father's Day. It was sad, because I still miss him, every day. He was my "rock", and my confidant. Do you miss yours too? Will Father's Day be a sad day for you? If you could talk to him one more time, what would you tell him??
How many on here lave lost their Dads, and Father's Day will be kind of sad?
i lost my dad 16 years ago, and it still feels like yesterday. i miss him INCREDIBLY. he passed away 6 months after i got married, so he was able to walk me down the aisle for that i will be forever grateful. if i could talk to him one more time? i would tell him i'm sorry for all the pain that i caused him while i was growing up and how much i love him. i was 21 and he was 46.
Reply:I think it is awesome that you and your father were so close. I envy people like you because my father, or I should say sperm donor, decided that he didn't want to raise a girl and both of my parents gave me away to other family members when I was six months old. Though I didn't have a father, I do grieve on days such as Father's Day because I feel cheated. For you to miss your dad and wish to talk to him again is normal and says a lot about the type of father you had. Be proud of that and concentrate on the good times you two shared. He is still with you everyday.
Reply:no, i haven't lost my father.
i can't even imagine what that must be like.
but i hope you can stay strong, and know that he is in a better place now, and most likely loves you very much and misses you just as much as you miss him.
try not to be sad on fathers' day. try to just celebrate what a great man your father was, and celebrate his life and the difference he made in your life. it might make you feel a little better than mourning your loss.
stay beautiful and strong,
megan %26lt;3
Reply:My father died 19 years ago when I was 25 (he was only 48). I try to go on father's day but don't always make it. I still miss my father alot. He missed so much in my life and I know there are so many mistakes I made that I would not have if he had been alive to stop me. If I could talk to him one more time I would tell him how much I miss him and ask him to please guide me and my children, especially Corey, in the right direction and help us all to find happiness.
Reply:My dad died on January 6, 2008! This will be my first father's day without him! He had a really hard time over the last 5 years, my mom and my sister died! I am glad he was around to see both of my children, because my mom died a month before my oldest was born and my sister 3 months after! It is going to be so hard for me, If I could say one last thing to him I would tell him that I love him and to please watch over my girls! Oh, and to give my mother and sister a big hug and kiss!
Reply:Well I didn't lose my biological dad but my step dad. He was more than a father a great man. I am still sad and miss him a lot, also my mother. I have learn to have my sad time and move on. I will always miss them but life goes on. This may sound hard but you have to accept it a nd move on. I was stuck for a while and I prayed and that worked for me.
Reply:My father isn't dead, but we have no relationship so father's day always makes me sad.
My father was abusive in the extreme. After my mother divorced him due to him abusing her, he later married a multi-millionaire (he met her in the psych ward)....and I'm struggling to keep the roof over our heads.
happy father's day, to all those who have someone to be thankful for.
Reply:Yes, I lost my father recently and I miss him very much.
I wish I could ask him If he knew I was there, holding his hand before he passed away.
When I got to the hospital, he was already in a coma. So, I didn't get to talk to him before he died and it still bothers me.
Fathers day will be rough.
Reply:I haven't lost my father
now i just feel bad that I don't give my father enough
I mean i will always remeber all the love he give me but i know that i don't give back not enough
and father day is just a name
everyday should be a father day
(I love my dad)
by the way it's okay to miss him
Reply:Yes, I miss my dad. He died 2-2-02, but it doesn't seem that long ago. If I could talk to him one more time, I'd tell him that I was sorry that he suffered so bad and if I could of taken it away, I would of. I'd also tell him how much I love him. I didn't have time on that day.
Reply:I lost my dad when I was 10. Everyday I think him not just fathers day. When my kids were born it was hard because I knew he would never meet them. My kids are 5 and 9 months. My 5 year old some times ask me about grandpa and that is hard. I don't even live in the state where his grave is so I can't visit him. So I guess yeah ya it will be sad but everyday is a little sad.
Reply:He's been gone almost 8 years and I still miss him a great deal. If I could talk to him I'd say I love you and I miss you. He didn't much like flowers but he loved a cold beer, so I will sneak him one and pour it on his grave. I know it's weird but he'd like it.
Reply:My father died many years ago. The first few years I felt sad, when father's day came by. But I no longer do. With time the sadness goes away.
Reply:My Dad is still here but is older - I was thinking about this very thing and how sad I will be without him - I will be sure to tell him how much I love him while I still have the chance.
Reply:My boyfriend's dad died the beginning of November.. My parents want us to come over for dinner, but beforehand I'd like to go with him to his father's grave.
Reply:Yes, I lost the only real father I knew almost two years ago and I still have dreams about talking to him and it hurts. It really hurts.
Reply:I do miss my dad very much. I would tell him what a wonderful dad he was and how much I love him.
Reply:This is very sad question and it's too personal but i will tell the truth NO!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I think it's a wonderful thing that you went to visit your Father. My heart goes out to you...keep his memory alive. God Bless.
Reply:I lost my mom at 14 so I have a hard time on mother's day. I just tell her thank you for raising me so well.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How many on here lave lost their Dads, and Father's Day will be kind of sad?
fresh flower,
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