Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why are flowers in the US so expensive? a nice bouquet was never as expensive in Europe.?

When I lived in Europe I always had(and could afford) fresh flowers every week. Now here in the States, the are ridiculously expensive and I miss my fresh flowers. I miss my 10 euro nice bunch of roses that would cost upwards of $40 here....

Why are flowers in the US so expensive? a nice bouquet was never as expensive in Europe.?
Europeans in general buy more flowers than people in the U.S. It is not an American custom to have many flowers for the house. I have always noticed this, too. It seems that the more expensive ones are not always the best ones, either. It amazed me that people here will pay so much and yet do not seem to value them in general.

I know what you mean, and sympathize. Do you have any space to grow any in a small garden for yourself?
Reply:Buy from the flower market and learn how to arrange flowers.
Reply:Well sweetie, i believe you will find the difference is the cost of transportation. Depending on where you live, these fresh flowers will have to travel all the way across the United States. Time is of the essence and they have to be temperature controlled.Imagine what it costs for a load of fresh roses to travel from California to Florida, you are looking at a distance of say 2600 miles, because transporting them is time sensitive you need a "team" to drive it, that way the truck can travel this distance in 48 hours. The freight charges alone can range from 3500 to 4000 dollars. Hope this helps you :)
Reply:Move back.
Reply:Europeans like to give flowers. The flower culture is more developed. More flowers. And people not just money oriented like in the US - but this you probably know by now after living there...
Reply:They produce more flowers over there, I think.

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