Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why do indian office going women put jasmine flowers while going to office. they dry when they come home?

Office going indian women use jasmine or other good smelling flowers while going to office. By the time they go to bed they dry and are withererd. why they do not use fresh flower when actually needed for their husband. Indian women please

Why do indian office going women put jasmine flowers while going to office. they dry when they come home?
In ancient India, flowers were used as ornaments.Women used to wear garlands as we use a chain today.They also used to put flowers in their hair as an ornament.Good smelling flowers such as jasmine were used for this.Still now our Indian women follow this custom.
Reply:interesting observation- which part of the village do u live in.

but whatever every women tries to look good and by puttin jasmine she feels so.
Reply:Hmm I dont have a clue
Reply:hm.. good question..

well i dont know the exact reason.. perhaps in ancient india, indian women were using good smelling flowers instead of deodrants (coz they didnt have them at that time).. may be now they aren't ready to shed the tradition..

why dont u ask them instead?? even i am curious to know the exact reason.. ;)
Reply:cause they didn't like to used wesper
Reply:That is their way of showing how fresh they are through the day. So when the flowers dry up so are they! so if you want to get them in a good mood then i guess look at the flowers and then approach them.
Reply:In this universe every thing attract each other.In animals too. These all are the ways to attract the opposite sex by flowers which is the symbol of simplicity, fressness. Morning is the best time to surprise with her fressness. This tradition is very old %26amp; u know old is gold. Whenever husband wake up in the morning and see her with fresh flowers keep their heart and relation fress all the day.( even snakes r found rounded to jasmine tree.)
Reply:Hi, ur question is good. Do u know in Southern part of India, still the girls are using fresh flowers in both issues. Mainly they use fresh flowers while they are with their life partner. But for office, they have to expose their personality for that they are using fresh flowers.
Reply:This is a tradition in India. Just like this there are social and fashion traditions in other parts of the world also. Why don't you question them. Why does a man wear a tie in front, not at the backside? Stupid question, is it not. It is stupid to ask a woman in India why she wears flowers. It is stupid to ask a widow in India why she does not wear flowers or wear a red spot on her forehead. This way you can go on questioning every custom all over the world. Why do you question the customs and practices of India alone. When the other parts of the world were cavemen, India had a great civilization working.
Reply:When leaving home for work, Indian women wear sweet smelling flowers in their hair-do (usually after offering the flowers to God in prayers). They remain fragrant all day at work, with the natural deodorant.

Those who are keen to please their mates often wear fresh jasmine flowers again, in the evening; the heady fragrance leads to an intoxicating time in bed!
Reply:May be just to attract insects lying in the office
Reply:hi google 7,

its not all working ladies wear a flower 'gajara' in their hair, ys some ladies like it the continuous smell of these flowers keep a person wearing happy and in good mood . the atmoshpere around has a fragrance of flowers ,some flowers has good smell, some flowers r worn for show ,they dont have good fragrance , a good fragrance give +ve energy to aperson whoever gets the smell,a stingy place gives -ve energy and thus -ve thought . thus to creat a + ve energy around as well as keep self happy and +ve its usefull.

Godess in old days were using a perticular flower gajras. its for same purpose.and in "vasant" ther r many fragmented flowers around .when its 2 hot if u drink a water in which khus is kept it gives u a cool ness .a good fragrance can cool agitated nerves . if u burn agarbatties , or dhoop in the evening time when working people come home tierd they feel good . go for it .
Reply:The kind of Indian women who wear jasmine flowers to work are the kind who still believe that it is one of the signs of being a married women. Kumkuma(red dot) mangalsutra (wedding necklace) and flowers that either are procured from god's feet. It is a sign of following traditions. Believe me, my aunt who worked in a very good post in Bangalore did that every day of her life and there is nothing tribal, hygiene oriented or illiterate about it.

We have to understand that just like in western countries women wont take out their wedding rings to suit what others think, women in certain parts of india or certain background and age will do what their tradition dictates and makes them happy. My cousins who all work in huge IT companies and are more educated than you or I will or wont wear flowers to work based on how their mood is. So there. And btw yeah they also wear it to make their husbands happy. But what is the problem if they first make themselves happy. Lot of the husbands bring flowers home to their wives in the evening as a token of love..
Reply:maybe it's for
Reply:lol :-)

Gud Question, all girls ( married) plz do reply

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