Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is it high maintenance to want fresh cut roses/flowers in the house at all times?

I could be asking for much more in my opinion!

Is it high maintenance to want fresh cut roses/flowers in the house at all times?
If you want them purchased and given as a gift, yes that is high maintenance. If you have flowers outside that you can bring in and display, than no, that is not high maintenance.
Reply:If you clip the roses/flowers from your garden yourself than no. If you expect your husband to buy you flowers all the damn time, than hell yes you are high maintenance.
Reply:You can have them as long as you pay for them yourself. As for asking for much more, of course you could. I'm just not sure that you would receive it.

It looks like your sense of entitlement is well developed.
Reply:guy or gal asking? Just so long if you don't expect your spouse to be responsible for them everyday.

If you want them, you bring them.
Reply:no...I think it is healthy and nice
Reply:so plant a rose garden
Reply:Rather expensive. I could think of more important things the money could be used for.
Reply:yea, its on the expensive side
Reply:If you earn the money to pay for them and you take responsibility for them, go for it! I think that's a lovely idea.
Reply:If you can afford it, why not...
Reply:If you're not planning on picking them or buying them yourself? Absolutely high maintenance...

No real woman should want a gift that a man feels obligated to give... it's not a real gift!
Reply:not if you like roses and black tight thongs ide say go for it!
Reply:Yes.. who do you think you are ? The queen of Egypt ??

  • philosophy
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