Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keeping flowers fresh to give at end of a date?

I'm going out to eat with a girl on her birthday and I want it to be special. I was thinking of keeping flowers in my car to suprise her with a bouquet before I walk her to her door. Would this be possible? How would I keep the flowers from getting gross in my car? If this is not a good option, do you guys have any better ideas for a small suprise to end the night off well?

Keeping flowers fresh to give at end of a date?
What's the temperature like in your area? If it is warm, the flowers are going to wilt and droop and might not be what you want to give a girl you like. If it is cooler and they are in some water (have your florist add those water capsule things to the bottom of the stems...or put in a vase that can sit in a box) they should do just fine.

Other ideas could be some chocolates, a nice card, some body spray, a cute little frame, something small for her to remember the date creative!! Good luck!

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