Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Storing fresh dandelions for extended period of time?

I picked all the dandelions in my backyard and want to save them to make dandelion wine (from the flowers) and use the rest of the plant for food/drinks and so forth.

How can I preserve this and still keep it edible months down the road? I suppose I could dry it, but what about freezing?

Storing fresh dandelions for extended period of time?
you could steam blanch them and then freeze them, this may cause them to lose some nutrients though.

you could also pack them with 1/4 of their weight dry salt.
Reply:My dad makes dandelion wine and he cans his. Freezing them makes them lose flavor. He just cans them like you would any veg out of the garden. :)
Reply:Freezing is the best way to keep the flowers if you want to make dandelion wine; i don't know how well they dry or what any wine would taste like made from dried flowers: could be great or could be awful. As for the rest of the plant, it depends what you want to do with it. If you plan to make dandelion coffee from the roots then dry them as soon as possible before roasting and grinding them. Dandelion leaves are edible too (in salads or cooked like spinach); i guess you could freeze them if you plan on cooking them later but you couldn't freeze them and then serve them in a salad.

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